许皓 Hao(Jenny)Xu

I completed  my Master of Arts in Art and Art Education from Columbia University in 2017. Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Production from the Arizona State University in 2014. As a gentle and gracious Canton girl, I also have got involved in the cultural diversity of New York which makes my artworks unique and standing out. After graduating from Columbia University, I follow my Professor Liangang Sun and I also considers as a contemporary artist in Sun Gallery NY. 

I exhibited my artworks in Barcelona International Art Fair 2016 with the artworks " ONENESS", "SPRING SOUL" and "ANGEL" . I use the freehand brushwork and mixes color transformation to express the trueness of my inner world. I attended to Amsterdam International Art Fair 2017 with the theme "LIFE". The artworks are " INFANCY", "YOUTH" , "MATURE", "SENIOR" . Consider as an abstract contemporary artist, I acquire Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement(O1 )VISA in the United State. On December 2018, I attend to the Spectrum Miami 2018 with my newest abstract contemporary artworks, theme considers as “The Period of 2018”, the artworks are “DARK HAZE” , “SARCASM” , “BRIDGE PATH” , “BREEZE”. In 2019, I exhibited my “INTERSTELLAR” painting series at Art Expo NY 2019 with my artworks “CONNOTATION”, “GALAXY”, “ORBIT”, “TRAP”.  Selected to become one of the Agora Gallery ( locate in Chelsea Manhattan ) representative artists from 2019-2021.   On December 2019, with two of my selected artworks “GALAXY” and “CONNOTATION”, I attended CONTEMPORARY VENICE 2019 – ITSLIQUID International Art Show at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi, from December 06, 2019 to January 10, 2020. Besides the exhibitions, I also reward four Outstanding Artist Awards : International Prize Raffaello, 20182nd International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci, 2018Asia Art Funds The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists 2019.

出生于中国广州,生长在艺术世家,自小受到父母及家人在音乐、舞蹈、电影等多方面艺术熏陶,并参与许多优秀艺术作品的创作。17岁赴美留学,极具艺术天赋的她获得电影制作专业学士学位,所拍摄电影《Lotus》获得ASU Five Top Capstone奖项。


2016年受纽约著名画廊Sun Gallery太阳画廊邀请携作品 “ ONENESS ”合一、“SPRING SOUL” 青灵、“ANGEL”天使 参展第五届巴塞罗那国际艺术博览会(BIAF),作为中国青年艺术家代表在欧洲画坛崭露头角,并获得美国亚洲艺术基金会(Asia Art Funds)“杰出艺术家”(Outstanding Artist Award)奖。2017年代表Sun Gallery参展阿姆斯特丹国际艺术博览会,个展主题《人生》,代表作品 “幼年”、“青年”、“中年”、“老年”。2018年获得了美国杰出人才艺术家(O1 )签证。 2018年12月,参加美国新一派抽象现当代艺术展 SPECTRUM MIAMI 2018, 主题为 “那段2018”,作品有“DARK HAZE”,“SARCASM”,“BRIDGE PATH”,“BREEZE”。2019年4月参加纽约艺术展 ART EXPO NEW YORK, 主题为 “星际”,作品有 “CONNOTATION”, “GALAXY”, “ORBIT”, “TRAP” 。2019年8月成为 Agora Gallery(坐落于纽约曼哈顿Chelsea区)画廊旗下的签约艺术家。 2019年12月06-2020年1月10, 两幅艺术作品“ GALAXY” 和 “CONNOTATION” 被挑选参展 CONTEMPORARY VENICE 2019 – ITSLIQUID International Art Show at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi. 除了展览,荣获四个杰出艺术家奖:International Prize Raffaello, 2018 、2nd International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci, 2018、Asia Art Funds、The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists 2019。